Archrock Completes Acquisition of Total Operations and Production Services, LLC - Read The Press Release

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Uptime Only Occurs in a Safe Environment.

Archrock truck

We believe that nothing is more important than safety – both on the job and away from it – and that is why excellence in safety is a core value at Archrock.

Our safety performance levels are commensurate with our peer companies in the oil and gas services industry. Nonetheless, we will not be fully satisfied until we reach our on-the-job HSE goal, which is zero: zero incidents, zero accidents, zero injuries and zero environmental incidents. We achieve these results through our TARGET ZERO™ program and by strengthening our continuous improvement processes.

We are making strides in preventing incidents by managing what we can control before an incident occurs and by carefully investigating any incidents that do occur in order to help avoid repeating them. We believe that all preventable incidents are avoidable when we have the proper attitudes, processes and systems at the core of our culture.

Our customers also place a high value on safety, and they count on us to operate, repair and maintain our and their equipment safely. Leadership and accountability play a vital role in building a strong culture of safety at Archrock. We expect every Archrock employee not just to pay lip service to upholding high HSE standards, but to live them. This is how all Archrock employees and contractors become safety leaders, accountable for their own safety and the safety of those working with us, those for whom we work and the communities in which we work operate. I expect all Archrock employees and contractors to continue to embrace this important responsibility.

Man checking safety tag


The safety of our people and the communities in which we operate always comes first. We believe all incidents can be preventable, and through proper training, planning and hazard recognition, we can achieve a TARGET ZERO™ workplace. That is a workplace with zero incidents. What started as an HSE program, TARGET ZERO™ is now part of our company culture and safety is a metric in our annual short-term incentive program. It establishes values among our employees at all levels to be concerned about their own safety and the safety of their coworkers. It highlights personal commitment rather than compulsory duty, leading to a mindset that integrates safety into every work process at Archrock.

GPSA Award presentation

Excellence in Safety

Archrock’s exceptional dedication to safety was further exemplified when we were honored with the prestigious 2023 GPSA Award for Excellence in Safety. This recognition acknowledged our remarkable safety record and continuous commitment to pioneering an outstanding Target ZERO safety program. This marks Archrock’s fourth time receiving an esteemed GPSA Award, signifying our ongoing leadership in safety excellence in the midstream industry.

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